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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Using infrared sensors for distance measurement in mobile robots

G. Benet, F. Blanes, J.E. Simò, P. Perez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56.NO 10, October 2009
  The paper illustrates a precise and good method for infrared sensor technology applied on a mobile robot.
IR sensors are generally used for proximity sensors and for obstacle avoidance in robotics, they have the great advantage of costing less than ultrasonic sensors and having a better response time, but of course they have drawbacks such as having a non-linear behavior and depending on the reflectance of the surroundings, making this a poor quality sensor in mapping applications. Although these negative points in IR sensors, still their application is convenient, specially when considering the long “Time to Flight” in US sensors and a better angular resolution. Due to these reason, US and IR sensors can be integrated to form one sensor system, obtaining a precise and accurate result.
·       Model
The authors have performed the experiment with a YAIR robot, with 16 IR sensors (two for each side of the octagon on the belt of the robot) and a US sensor. Each IR sensor, combination of an emitter and a receiver, is capable of measure distance targets at up to 1 m.
The sensor’s output can be measured by using the photometry inverse square law, where it’s depending from the distance of the target and the incidence angle. α and β are two parameters which also influence the output of the IR sensor, the first includes the radial intensity of the IR emitters, the gain of the amplifier and the reflectivity coefficient of the target, the second is related to the amplifier offset plus ambient light effect and it can be taken without IR emission, that is why it’s not in our interest and we can just consider the cleaned signal ‘y’. α is a bit more difficult to estimate and is divided in α0 and αi, the first is a constant component and the latter is dimensionless and must be calculated (as illustrated in the paper).
An interesting variable which is required to know to understand how precise the instrumentation is, is the angle of incidence, which can is calculated through iteration, first assuming the angle as 0 for 2 IR sensors in order to calculate the distance, later using the calculated ratio of these in order to obtain the incidence angle.
In operation the sensor may occur in different types of errors: measurement error, angle uncertainty, error caused by noise in the reading and error due to wrong incidence estimation (where the first two can be omitted when considering the overall standard deviation since they are likely to be treated as distributed as a zero-mean Gaussian).
Noise in the measurement can be actually afflicted by a certain amount of uncertainty and it is demonstrated that it depends on the error component caused by the noise in the reading of the error of the clean out put.
Parameters αi can actually be estimated and the proposed model allows us to obtain a table with its values, although is also is affected by uncertainty.
Key Concepts
IR and US sensors applied in one system to obtain better precision.
Key Results
The proposed system permits to obtain αi values for each kind of surface, demonstrating though that for a certain range of colors there is no significant change, but being still the only fundamental parameter of the model.
The sensor presents also the advantage of providing also the expected uncertainty, as shown through calculation in the mentioned paper.

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