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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Vision for man-machine interaction

James L. Crowley
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, No. 19, 1997
The paper introduces different method for face recognition in order to enhance communication between humans and robots. Vision of the face is considered an important element in human-to-human communication and therefore the authors believe its importance also in the case of interacting with a machine.
Computer vision, which today is easily achievable thanks to an exponential decrease in cost, can permit tracking, identification and observation. The authors introduce an innovative machine vision technique compared with the more traditional ones based on contrast contours, which have the problem of being precise only in presence of polygonal shapes (and therefor not good for finger or head tracking).
Human gestures are mainly divided in 3 types: semiotic (communicating useful information), ergotic (associated with the notion of work) and epistemic (allows humans to learn from the environment through tactile experience). Human-Computer Interaction as investigated for long time the application of ergotic functions (such as keyboards, mousses etc…), the authors as well believe that computer vision will open a new world in this field, being a non-intrusive sensor, fast and robust. The tracking is then defined by the authors as follows “Given an observation of an object at time t, determine the most likely position of the same object at time t+ΔT”.
Proposed is a Correlation as a tracking technique using a “Digital Desk”; sum of squared differences (SSD), obtained through the neighborhood and the image itself in each pixel i and j. Using this function we can obtain the term representing the energy in the image neighborhood and the energy in the reference window. In this computation the size of the reference template must be computed in order to not be corrupted by the background and in order to not be too uniform. The size of the search region instead is computer according to the tracking sped and is derived experimentally. When there is no tracking operation, the system monitors an N x N tracking trigger and the energy of the resultant difference image is computed in order to assure when the tracking device is adequately positioned (when it drops below the threshold). The proposed method is then applied to face recognition in comparison with other common method, such as finding face color and blink detection.
The SSD comes useful being more precise than color recognition and not having the problem of requiring detection of an image pair during blinking. The method is then further developed in eigenspace decomposition, which considered pixels as a very long vector and having being then a prototypical face that can be considered as a basis for describing other images. This kind of approach may be expensive in the long term when collecting a big number of images in the database.
The method ideally is ideal also for eye tracking problem, with the future aim of making is a pointer device for computer, substituting the mouse.
A mentioned other technique are color recognition, which basically work on the Bayes Rule, finding the probability to detect skin, given a certain color, and eye blinking, which, comparing two different photograms is able to understand weather the target is a face or not
Key Concepts
Face Recognition, Human-Machine Interaction
Key Results
The author obtained successful results in all methods proposed, with the aim for the future of better implementation. The importance of detecting faces is underlines for video communication, while it is also important for speech recognition through detection of lips movement, perception weather the operator is paying attention to a monitor or a certain activity or even just be aware of the presence of a human in the nearby.
Definitely for fully obtain results in this field, active computer control of the direction, zoom, focus and aperture are required, but as stated already back in 1997 by the author, the technology is already on hand and with relatively low price. 

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