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Monday, October 8, 2012

Human-Assisted Virtual Environment Modeling

J.G. Wang, Y.F. Li
Autonomous Robots, N0.6, 1999

                  The paper proposes a man-machine interaction based on stereo-vision system. where the operator’s knowledge about the system is used as a guidance for modelling a 3D environment.
Virtual Environment (VE) modelling appears to be a key point in many robotic systems, specially in regard of tele-robotics. There have been many researches on how to build VE starting from vision sensors while exploring unknown environments and semi-automatic modelling with minimum human interaction. A good example of integrated robotic manipulator system using virtual reality (Chen and Trivedi, 1993, Trivedi and Chen, 1993) visualization to create advanced, flexible and intelligent user interfaces. An interactive modelling system was proposed in order to model remote physical environments through two CCD cameras, where edge information is used for stereo-matching and triangulation to extract shape information, but the system was constrained by the only motion of the camera on the Z axis.
The proposed system is performing in order that the operator can minimize the cues about the features and information the manipulator or mobile robot may encounter. The procedure followed sees first a local model build from different view point and later these local models composing a global model for the environment, once the environment has been constructed virtually, then the operator can fully concentrate in tele-operation.
Considering the use of two cameras, left and right, then two transformation matrices can be obtained: [HR] and [HL] these can be used for calculating W, the corresponding known image coordinate feature points of the 3D coordinate feature points. So in the end, assuming the 3D vector in W as [V3D] and the correspondent 2D vector [V2D], then [H]= [V2D] [V3D]T[[V3D] [V3D]T]-1 , where H can be decomposed in left and right matrices. Further on, if we assume [HR] and [HL] available, [X]=[x,y,z] of a feature in W can be calculated with its corresponding image coordinates [xa ya], [xb yb], so that [X]=[[A]T[A]]-1[A]T[B], where [A] and [B] are image coordinates.
A major difficulty though in stereo vision is the correspondence problem between the feature points in two images, due to poor robustness. A human operator can therefore identify objects in most of the scenes, prompting the vision system to locate and detect some object attributes or special corresponding feature so that the image coordinates would be deducted and the 3D position in W calculated.
A binocular stereo vision, after been guided by an operator to find some correspondent prompted feature, can be used to construct the local models of objects directly. The system work in recognizing primitive solids, from which is later possible to computer composite models. The authors introduce the cuboid (for which four points are detected) and the sphere (for which determination in a 3D space is obtained through the knowledge of radius and center), which through geometrical calculations and transformations can be obtained. Vertexes of objects are found through the intersection of corresponding lines, for other more complicated objects operator’s guidance can be used. In general only one point of view cannot successfully represent a 3D object, more than one is required and therefore Multi-Viewpoint Modelling is used. Therefore from two positions (for instance A and B) a transformation M-1 takes place, determining M rotation and translation are solved separately. If C and C’ represent the coordinate relationships between view point A and B, then C’=M’C and W=M’W’; after some computation M=[R T], with R rotational component and T translational component.
Key Concepts
Machine vision, Human Robot Interaction
Key Results
Performance can be studied either with different between point and their image or with the different between measured and real size objects. The system also work with insertion tasks with an error of 0.6 mm, in case of the need of a more precise system, force sensing would then be needed. Operators can use this methodology for observing real environment from any view points on the virtual reality system.

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