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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Toward a Framework for a Human-Robot Interaction

Sebastian Thrun
Human-Computer Interaction, No.19, 2004

                  The field of robotics has undergone a considerable change from the time it first appeared as a complete science, robots now perform many assembly and transportation tasks, often equipped with minimal sensing and computing, slaved to perform a repetitive task. The future is more and more seeing the introduction of service robots and this is mainly thanks to reduce in costs of many technologies required and increase in autonomy capabilities.
Robotics appears to be a broad discipline and therefore definitions of this science are not unique, a general definition has been done by the author in a previous paper (Thrun, 2002) a system of robotic sensors, actuators and algorithms. The United Nations has categorized robotics in three fields: industrial robotics, professional service robotics and personal service robotics.
Industrial robotics are the earliest commercial success; an industrial robot operates manipulating its physical environment, it is computer controlled and operates in industrial settings (for example on conveyor belts).
Industrial robotics started in the 60s with the first commercial manipulator, the Unimate, later on in the 70s Nissan Corporation automated an entire assembly line with robots, starting a real “robotic revolution”, simply it can be considered that today the ration human to worker to robots is approximately 10:1 (the automotive industry is definitely the one with biggest application of robotics). However industrial robots are not intended to operate directly with humans.
Professional service robots are the younger kind of robots and are projected to assist people, perhaps in accessible environments or in tasks where speed and precision won’t definitely be met by human operators (as it is becoming more common in surgery).
Personal service robots posses today the highest expected growth rate, they are projected to assist people in domestic tasks and for recreational activities, often these robots are humanoids.
In all three of these fields two are the main drivers: cost and safety, these appear to be the challenges of robotics.
Autonomy refers to the ability the robot has to accommodate variation in the environment, it is a very important factory in human-robot interaction. Industrial robots are not considered to be highly autonomous, they often are called for repetitive tasks and therefore can be programmed, a different scenario appears to be the on of service robots where complexity of the environment brings them to be design to be very autonomous since they have to be able to predict the environment uncertainties, to detect and accommodate people and so on.
Of course there is also a cost issue, which necessitates the personal robots to be low-cost, therefore it they are the most complicated since the need high levels of autonomy and low costs. In human robot interaction extremely important become the interface mechanism, industrial robots are often limited, in fact they hard programmed and programming language and simulation softwares appear to be intermediary between the robot and the human. Service robots of course require richer interfaces and therefore distinguished are indirect and direct interaction methods. Indirect interaction consists of a person operating a robot through a command, while direct interaction consist of a robot taking decision on its on in parallel with a human.
Different technologies exist in order to achieve different method of communication, an interesting example appears to be the Robonaus (Ambrose et al., 2001), a master-slave idea demonstrating how a robot can cooperate with astronaut on a space station. Speech synthetisers and screens also appear to be interesting direct interaction methods.
Investigating humanoids and appearance, together with social aspect of service robots are also important aspect which researched are today investigating for the future of robotics.
Key Concepts
Human Robot Interaction, Human Robot Cooperation

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